Monday, August 07, 2006

me first

Back from my “wilderness” no-internet, no cell phone vacation. I had a lot of time to think, bask in beauty, and connect with family. We are all alive and well and so that is a good first step. We didn’t kill each other after many weeks together in confined spaces. So, what do I blog on first? What have I been thinking about?

How about starting with the basic problem of humanity without God?

I think I am the center of the world.

This simple fact, that I am at my core filled with self-interest, which can be recognized from self-worship to self-loathing, is so often overlooked.

Think of these topics.

Religious Intolerance
Hate Crime

None of these issues really exist.

This is just something that I accuse you of so I can put you on the defensive. So I can gain power over you. There is no such thing as a racist, sexist, etc. Not logically.

At my core I just don’t like anyone who is not me. I can’t possibly be a racist if I have a problem with everybody. I can only be one thing.

A “every-person-in-the-world-except-for-me”-ist.

This is why speaking of something like “hate crime,” is so illogical and, actually, silly. When I commit a crime against you that is not classified a “hate” crime, does that mean, “I violate your person or property, but all and all, I think you are kind of special?”

No, the problem with all these labels is they are simply ways to try to get the focus off of the real problem which is we all, every single one of us, is out for himself/herself at the core. If it gives me an advantage to label you “intolerant,” at least I will have the upper hand for the moment.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."