Wednesday, March 16, 2005

why would anyone doubt the resurrection of Jesus?

With the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus so compelling, why would anyone doubt it? Here are some reasons:

  1. They have never honestly examined the evidence.

  2. People don’t use the same criteria for studying the resurrection as they do for all other ancient history. As a result, no matter how much evidence there is, they will set the standard for authenticity so high they don’t have to acknowledge it.

  3. They come to the resurrection with a prior belief that there is no such thing as the supernatural.

  4. They have preconceived notions about the bad things done in the name of Jesus and are already set not to believe.

  5. They want to appear politically correct and want to say all religions are on the path to the truth and so are uncomfortable with the exclusive claims of Jesus that it is only through him that one has access to God. If he didn’t rise from the dead, then you don’t have to take his claims seriously.

  6. They do think it happened but they have a fear of following Jesus and so continue to delude themselves into thinking the resurrection didn’t happen.

So, what can be done to change all of this?

  • If you don’t trust in Jesus, examine all the evidence and realize he will give you the power to believe through his Spirit, if you allow him in. But he will not force himself on you.

  • If you do trust in Jesus, become more familiar with the evidence and quit relying on simple slogans like, “The Bible says it and so I believe it.” Your friends may need a little more than that.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."