Monday, March 28, 2005

where do you find life?

The words of the angel on Easter morning are to the point.

Luke 24:5b (NLT)
"Why are you looking in a tomb for someone who is alive?

To look for life you seek someone who is alive. This day after Easter the message of life is clear. If you wish to really live, then look for the one who is alive, Jesus.

If Jesus is the creator of all there is (Colossians 1), than he designed the best way to live life. Meaning and purpose become central. Yet, we can “look for the living among the dead” in the many things we focus on that aren’t healthy for us. Things that are even called an “escape” from life.

Obvious things like drinking or drug use to get us in another place than our real lives. Not so obvious things like excessive TV watching or excessive game playing. Even less obvious escapes like being dominated by our studies (for you students out there) or our work (for you employee’s). Isn’t it rather ironic that something we call “making a living,” can become that which draws us away from true life?

I keep going back to the words of Jesus from Matthew 6. Here they are “old school” King James Version.

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Live for Jesus, through Jesus, with Jesus and join him in the greatest cause of life, bringing his Kingdom life into your everyday life. Living out his Kingdom in your “kingdom,” where your “kingdom” begins to look like his.

The message of Easter is about new life. Keep seeking Jesus and you keep getting life from him.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."