Friday, March 25, 2005

why crucifixion?

Today is Good Friday, in many ways the most somber day of the year. I was looking through various images of the crucifixion this morning, and I thought, once again, of the meaning of the actual event. Why did Jesus die in this way?

Here are some alternatives.

Death of the baby Jesus- Herod tired to have Jesus killed before he could do any harm (Matthew 2:16). Kill the baby Jesus and you never discover who God really is. End of story.

Death by stoning- The Jewish authorities attempted to have Jesus stoned to death on several occasions (John 8:59; 10:31, e.g.), but were never successful. Death due to a religious dispute is quite common and it remains “in-house.” Not much of an impact outside of the local Jewish scene.

Death in the Garden- Dallas Willard introduced me to the ancient church’s teaching of the devil trying to kill Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The anguish he is going through is not some attempt to get out of the crucifixion (a careful reading of the Gospels shows a Jesus almost sprinting to that cross, not wimping out), but rather the “opportune time” (Luke 4:13) Satan has been waiting for. But Jesus will have none of it. Dallas puts it this way, “Try to preach a Savior who dies of a heart attack.” No witnesses other than his own three disciples. No Roman or Jewish authorities involved.

So, a very public crucifixion during Passover in Jerusalem with thousands and thousands of potential witnesses of various cultures (see John 19:19-20) is an awful, but effective, setting for the truth of Jesus really dying.

For all people.
For me.
For you.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."