Thursday, March 17, 2005

getting personal

Ultimately, trust that Jesus did rise from the dead has to do with personal experience. Here are the various possibilities.

1. He didn’t rise from the dead and he doesn’t make a difference in your life or the world around you.

2. He didn’t rise from the dead, but you believe he did, and all the transformation for the good accomplished in his name by you is really by chance. In other words, “All you have to do is believe.”

3. He did rise from the dead, but you aren’t becoming the kind of person (read, “dead-to-yourself humility”) he can trust with his power, yet.

4. He did rise from the dead and you are his apprentice who is learning from him in every way, immersed in the life of his Kingdom now. He is transforming you to live your life as he would live it if he were you in any given situation.

Do you want to know another reason why I have confidence that Jesus did rise from the dead and he is who he says he is? I look at the lives of those who authentically live on the path of discipleship. Who live # 4. Their lives are qualitatively different.

Yes, I know Jesus has risen from the dead because I know his transforming power in my own life. I have seen his power at work through me and around me, and have experienced his presence. If you have another way of living that will bring about what I have experienced, by all means, go ahead. I just can’t imagine any other way that works like living in his Kingdom now. Good luck.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."