Friday, December 01, 2006

day 56- transforming my social life 1

The transformation, up to this point, has been about you and me personally. Heart, mind, and body.

Heart- our will; the choices we make
Mind- thoughts and feelings
Body- our physical presence through which we live out our lives

“It is not good that the man should be alone…” (Genesis 2:18)

We are created in community. It is how we are wired. God intends for us to be in relationship with him and other people. The idea that we are to “go it alone,” or “stick to ourselves” is not a biblical concept. The Bible is filled with descriptions of living in community.

We are created to live with other people. Here lies a huge challenge. I am a sinful person and it is absolutely necessary that I am in relationship with others, who are sinful people. It doesn’t take too long for us to realize this is going to be a mess.

Adam and Eve start arguing right away. “What did God say?” Then, when they sin by doing what God forbids, Adam blames Eve. When the children are born it doesn’t get any easier. Eventually Cain kills his brother Abel.

And so it goes.

Living with others is absolutely essential for our spiritual, physical, and emotional well being.

Living with others is absolutely harmful for our spiritual, physical, and emotional well being.

What is the answer? Coca Cola’s had a recent ad campaign that said we can just “chill” together. That’s not the answer. We can’t just get along. We have to become the kind of people who can chill. We can’t live in healthy community with each other unless Jesus is on the throne of our lives. My self-worship and your self-worship are always going to result in disconnect at some point.

Are there ways our society attempts to “force” people to get along? How?

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."