Friday, January 27, 2006

do we have a clue?

Are you genetically and physiologically wired to specific behavior? This week I have mentioned a few observations on this hypothesis. A huge challenge to any of this is of course “choice.” When it is all said and done, people still have to act. Frequently, that may go completely against what is supposed to be their nature. That’s really the issue here. You can analyze brain circuitry and chemical imbalances and all the rest, but what you are left with is people eventually do something. It is not always what is expected. Often. In fact, people are transformed in ways that can’t be explained.

The evidence of the whole human experience has never been this.

“I have tendencies toward A behavior rather than B behavior and therefore I always exhibit A behavior and not B.”

When you are supposed to be A, but you behave in a B fashion, then does that mean you were never A in the first place, or did you choose B for other reasons? Why are there rage-filled and violent people who don’t kill or injure others? Was physiological impulse overcome by physiological resistance because you had been pre-wired to know you might go to prison? How come that circuitry didn’t kick in for those who did act out and get convicted?

Do you see where you can go with this? We haven’t a clue about the intricacies and nuances of the human mind, let alone be able to attribute everything to brain synapses, hormones, and isolated chemicals brewing in the human cauldron.

Back to “the Devil made me do it?”

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."