Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the vision to transform my body pt. 3

More characteristics of a carnally focused life

3. Your Body, My Choice
I am on the throne of my own little kingdom, but that is not enough. I need to be on the throne of yours, as well. So I go into a body mode.

Tongue- verbal manipulation where I use word games with you to try to gain advantage over you. Politically correct language is an example of this trait gone rampant. It is the language of the modern religion of self worship. Always shifting the playing field to suit my purposes; always keeping you off balance.

Verbal attack comes into play here, as well. I don't have the time nor the interest to use principled reason when a good bitter, sarcastic, seething tongue lashing substitutes for clear thinking so well. Unfortunately, this has substituted for most political discourse currently.

Then there are the tried and ture whining, flattery, repetetive requests,etc. Verbal manipulation is a sign that our huamn creativitiy and imagination are not always a gift for the good.

"Body Language"- Here is another tool at my disposal to influence your kingdom. I become the master of the frown, scowl, rolled eyes, crossed arms, and chin-in-the chest. I am the man of a thousand looks.

Related are the sounds of body language. The "tsk, tsk's," deep sighs, and "harumph" breaths that I learned along with language itself. Just witness a young child practice these as if he/she were working on a black belt in sound attack.

Another body language tool is how you dress. The effect of provocative dress should not be undersold. Many a head turns and many a head nods “yes” to the request of a hot guy or hot gal who are dressed to kill.

Also, not to be underrated is dressing in an aggressive in-your-face way. A statement of independence can also turn into something else. A plethora of tattoos, piercings, and such may be a helpful tool to get me to see your viewpoint so I don’t appear a bigot. You get your way out of my anxiety of not being open to you.

4. My Choice vs. Your Choice
Remember in all of these attempts to be the master of my own universe, you are working the same program that I am. Here is where we enter into inevitable conflict. I can't be on my throne if I have to deal with you, and you are clinging to yours, as well. Something has to give.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."