Monday, October 09, 2006

day 17- mind ruin

When we choose not to know there is a God, then our minds have to go to work. We need to find ways to convince ourselves that God doesn’t exist or God doesn’t matter.

We have worked on this in our country with some interesting mental gymnastics. In schools, we attempt to follow a strict Darwinian evolution model, desperately holding on to natural selection and random mutation as the sole mechanisms for the development of life. This position is becoming more and more difficult to defend. Origins of life research provides an impossible scenario for Darwinian evolution to begin. So, currently we hear a lot of, “We just don’t know about origins.” You need something to select from. You need something to mutate.

Now, I would argue that talk of a god does not belong in a science classroom, but neither does talk of no god and lifting up random, purposeless chance as the criteria for the origin of existence. This too, is not science as currently defined, and doesn’t belong in a science classroom, either.

Those of us who believe in God but don’t want to follow him, go down other paths to try to keep us at the center of our own universe. We focus on what we want not what God wants. One of the interesting attempts to cloud our thinking about God is to deny the validity of God’s Word. Some biblical scholars will go out of their way to try to show the Bible doesn’t mean what it says it means in order to justify personal desires.

Whether it is trying to make a case for how God blesses homosexual relationships or why you don’t have to trust in Jesus, any path will do, the distortion that is presented as “progressive” scholarship is prevalent. We take what we want and try to get the Bible to support our position, or if we can’t do it that way, we declare the Bible irrelevant to the matter in question because the Bible writers did not know of such things as we face today. This doesn’t make sense. If God is the source of the Bible, then I hardly think there is any situation where he would be unclear.

Once our choices turn us away from God, our thinking goes to work. Deceiving ourselves in order to get what we want is not a difficult task. We are experts at it. Self-worship and deception are a great match.

Have you heard Christians trying to support abortion or homosexual behavior? What criteria did they use?

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."