Tuesday, October 03, 2006

day 13- life with God

A life moving toward God, rather than centered on oneself, becomes a possibility when our heart aligns with God's desires. When our choices are the choices God would make for us, we begin transformation. All the other parts of our lives are affected. Mind, body, social life, and soul are all involved in the process.

Here is what is different about a renovation of the heart. It is not simply trying harder or getting more focused on the choices we make. It is not a direct approach at all. Remember what we said about “willpower?” It cannot be sustained. Every part of you will scream out, “It can’t be done.”

Life under God is different. There is no part of you that cannot be transformed under the power of the Holy Spirit. You will learn from Jesus how to live life as he would live it if he were you in any given situation. This begins with understanding what life is like without God and considering another way.

Today, go through your daily routine and think of what would be possible without God. How would that affect what you are doing?

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."