Wednesday, October 04, 2006

day 14- self-worship or self-denial

Our heart is where our choices lie. We make good choices. We make disastrous choices. Why the difference? It really has to do with who we are and the paths we choose.

The first path is the one we start out on and most of us stay on. This is the “self-worship” path. Dallas calls this the “path to radical ruin.” Self-worship means we put ourselves and our desires on the throne of our lives. We are the center of the universe. It is like when we are one years old and we can’t distinguish between ourselves and the world around us. In some ways, for most of us, this never changes. We grow older but we don’t grow up. Until Jesus is on the throne of our lives, radical ruin is the outcome waiting for us in any possible given situation. John Maxwell says it this way, “Unless God is in control of your life, your life is out of control.”

Our human nature is to focus on ourselves and what we want. The mantra of a “normal” person is, “I want what I want when I want it.” Are there any alternatives? One.

Today, without making a values judgment, consider how many things that you are doing are built around “immediate gratification,” compared to what it might have been like 100 years ago.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."