Wednesday, April 05, 2006

reaction to the "no better than bacteria" story

Well, the story I blogged on yesterday still didn’t make it to the national news. Other than a
story responding to the negative reaction to Eric Pianka’s position. It did make the Drudge Report however, and now the “nation” knows. I went to Panda’s Thumb, kind of an anti-intelligent design website that I read on occasion, and it was interesting to see their response. They tried to characterize Forrest Mimms III, the original critic of the speech, as a “disgruntled creationist” though I could find no evidence of his “creationism” in any of his web materials, and he is called a “crazy kook,” on the website, as well. Panda’s Thumb is actually a pretty good website to see the weaknesses in the intelligent design argument, as well as see the weaknesses of Darwinist’s pointing out the weaknesses of the intelligent design arguments!!

Following this story is kind of fun, because Eric Pianka denies making such claims, but because of the internet, you can go to class evaluations of his courses at University of Texas, and, sure enough, you see one student responding in this way:

"Though I agree that convervation [sic] biology is of utmost importance to the world, I do not think that preaching that 90% of the human population should die of ebola [sic] is the most effective means of encouraging conservation awareness."

Today, you can’t find this evaluation, because it is no longer there!

This is an extreme view taken by an extreme evolutionary biologist and should in no way be conclusive that Darwinian evolutionists want humanity destroyed. In fact, I agree there is good evidence for many tenants of Darwinian theory (the processes of adaptation and natural selection, for example), and so I wouldn't characterize the average evolutionist as extreme, and I am certainly not saying they are advocating the destruction of humanity or such.

However, this is a good example, of the clear use of morality and value judgments in the science classroom which are metaphysical topics by nature, and according to Darwinian advocates, this supposedly is not to be allowed in the science classroom!

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."