Tuesday, September 13, 2005

the means to transform my social life 1

As we are transformed in our own lives, we influence our families for the good. As our families are transforming, we influence the community around us. Indeed, there are times in Christian history when transformation becomes so powerful that whole communities are changed.

Take the Welsh Revival, for example. In 1904 there was an intentional spiritual reawakening that swept through Wales.  The country itself was literally changed. The taverns were emptied. The courts had days on end when there were no cases to try. Even the small ponies down in the coal mines were affected. They were so used to the curses of their masters, that when miners stopped swearing, the ponies didn’t understand their instructions and didn’t know how to follow the new commands!

The ideal in our circle of sufficiency is we join God in Trinitarian love and through our relationship with him, we in turn love others in our circle. They join God as well and love us back. Our lives are enriched as a result. Together we share that love outside the circle and we impact the wider community.

We are not so naive to expect everyone will give love having received it. This includes those in our circle of influence, as well as out. Yet, we are energized to love as Christ loves knowing that whether it is returned or not is not up to us. To be in his Will is a blessed place.

The first means I use to transform my social life is to “put on Christ.” I receive my identity from Jesus.

Perhaps you are familiar with identity theft. This is where someone steals your credit card numbers and/or social security number and begins to make purchases under your name. Sometimes making large transactions as if they were you! There are safeguards to prevent this crime; to protect my identity.

Yet, in the big picture, my true identity is as I am connected to Jesus. In him I am secure. This makes it possible for me to live a life of self-denial and service toward others. This makes it possible for me to forgive others and be a blessing instead of a curse. This is a new life.

    Col. 3:10 (NLT)  
    In its place you have clothed yourselves with a brand-new nature that is continually being renewed as you learn more and more about Christ, who created this new nature within you.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."