I am in the middle of our family vacation internet/ study fast, and I have to say it is both refreshing and frustrating. The relaxation and enjoying the beauty of “Up North” and the “Northwoods” is a good thing. Nancy saw a bear, David and I saw a beaver, Greg saw a peacock (We have no idea where that came from), and we saw deer galore.
Every evening sitting by the lakes you can see loons going about their loon business. Loons are solitary birds and fascinating to watch. They aren’t in any hurry like some other animals, but just seem to take their lives in stride. They disappear for a while, diving beneath the surface looking for fish and then they reappear in an undisclosed location. Instead of television, I guess you could spend the night watching loons and guessing where they are going to come up for air. Sound exciting? You have to be there.
The frustration of no internet is not as bad as it seems. News comes from talking to people. There isn’t anything so important to learn that you can’t wait to Google it some other time. However, early on in the trip there was one time I wish I could have gone wireless.
We had Team USA women’s soccer team on the flight to Minnesota with us and saw them get swamped by girl soccer teams waiting at the airport to greet them. That was a lot of fun to watch, but being out of the women’s soccer loop I only recognized a couple of faces and couldn’t put a name to them. Well, being on the computer to do this blog, I did a quick search and realized the three I recognized are Kristie Lilly, Abby Wambach, and Heather Mitts.
I do miss blogging; it seems like a brain pause. Not that you stop thinking, but just the way you process and express the thought. Blogging has been a way to stay fresh in the mind. Now, I just get to think of different things. Like teenage sleep habits.
With the hectic life of teenagers, being on vacation the change caused by all of us waking up when we wake up and spending the day together, you get to see everyone’s true rhythms in action. I am an early riser, and so still the first one up, but if we didn’t eventually wake them, the kids would still be sleeping at noon. I know this a common teen phenomenon, but it still is incredible to me. I wonder if our children would rather be bears in hibernation?