Monday, May 30, 2005

the crusades and the internet

I saw the movie The Kingdom of Heaven the other day and it reminded me of the internet. Here is how I made that connection.

The film depicts one of the Crusades, the second specifically, and it has its interesting moments. Historically, however, it had a bit to be desired. So what does one do? Up until about ten years ago, one would go down to the local library and see if one could find anything on the Crusades. Or perhaps, if you knew a pastor, he/she might have a book on medieval history you could borrow. Options have slightly expanded.

I first went to a film review sight that has a faith theme called “Decent Films Guide.” From there I was linked to an excellent article giving a brief summary of the Crusades. Having studied the Crusades myself and being frequently disappointed by the misinformation and the misunderstanding of the evidence of what actually happened it is refreshing to hear from a Crusade historian. For those who address the connections between Islam and conflicts today, including the meaning of the Crusades, this brief article would be a huge corrective for assumptions made without carefully following the evidence. If only some journalists would take a little time to explore.

You still have to examine your sources when it comes to information you glean from the internet. If you take your time giving a careful read and comparison, it is usually very possible to arrive at some conclusions on what is revisionist and what is straightforward in regards to history.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."