Wednesday, April 06, 2005

the Trinity

The Trinity is an essential doctrine unique to Christianity. It is the great mystery of the Christian faith, a challenge to talk about, but not impossible. For example, Dr. Hugh Ross gives us understanding into the whole awesome nature of the Trinity in books such as, The Creator and the Cosmos, and Beyond the Cosmos.

That the Trinity would be a challenge is understandable. What kind of God would one worship that a human mind could totally comprehend? Only a God created by human imagination. We are limited in visualizing the true God because he isn’t limited to the four dimensions we are of height, width, length, and time. When we try to explain God by limiting him to the four dimensions we live in, it is putting God in a box. Fortunately, our metaphors are changing. What if we could speak of God as existing in extra dimensions, indeed, in no dimensions at all?

Well, the Bible already speaks of our extra dimensional God (e.g., Colossians 1:15-17) thousands of years ago, and we now have evidence through general relativity, the big bang, and superstring theory that points to there being at least six more dimensions besides the four we humans experience. Since God is the creator and controls these dimensions, he can certainly operate within them or outside of them if he chooses. A Trinitarian nature is no problem for such a God.

The bottom line is, religions invented in the minds of humans are going to be limited to human perspective, while it is logical to assume a message from a transcendent Being is going to in some ways transcend the limits of human perspective and visualization. New metaphors are readily available for those who are seeking.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."