Monday, April 11, 2005

more on being a model

More rules of thumb to be a model of influence as a disciple.

Learn from people you disagree with. For example, the writings of Reinhold Niebuhr have had a strong influence in my life. There is much of his theology that I don’t hold to, but I didn’t stop studying him. Interesting that one of his teachings really helped me in this exact arena.

Niebuhr taught that we must not demonize those we disagree with. He said whatever we think about an issue in life, someone who has a different viewpoint than us is more right then we think, and we are less right than we think. Because we are human, our thinking needs to be adjusted along these lines.

Don’t get caught up in a language trap. Avoid using code words or phrases that are not clear. For example, what do we mean when we say things like, “Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?” I know what some of my brothers and sisters mean by this. They mean, “Do you just call yourself Christian but don’t really practice your faith?”

Now, a personal relationship with Jesus is the essence of being a disciple, I agree. I agree with the premise that there is a difference between a Christian and a disciple. But, discipleship is a path we are on. It’s not, “you’re either in or you’re out.” Disciples make themselves more and more available to learn from Jesus but it is not an either/or proposition. I don’t know any Christian who doesn’t in some sense want to be in relationship with Jesus in a deeper way, so the question about “personal relationship” seems set up more as an opportunity for me to correct you.

Work out your own ‘d***’ program. Friends in the recovery movements use this phrase. It is like Jesus’ comment about getting the log out of your own eye. In other words, worry about your own faith journey, without spending undo time correcting someone else.

Now, if you are in an accountable relationship with other Christians, in a small group and such, then you may voluntarily seek the wisdom of your friend as to how your “walk” is going. But that’s a far cry from figuring I have all the answers and so I need to let you know where you are at fault, whether you have asked me for counsel or not. Encouragement goes a long way compared to condemnation.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."