Friday, August 27, 2004

urban normal

So what's it like to live in LA? A couple of obsevations. This morning I went with our daughter to sign up for classes for the new school year. Kids from a ton of different cultures at her public high school, waiting to get in. I guess if you can "speak" chemistry and world history together you can go to school together. No big deal.

Later in the day saw the movie "Hero," starring Jet Li. Went with our twin 12 year olds. It is an awesome film, with many of the same people from "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" involved. What's amazing is how normal it seems now to watch a film in a "foreign" language for me and the boys. It's not as if we don't hear "foreign" languages every day.

I guess growing up in LA is a little different than it could be. Certainly than my own upbringing in Wisconsin. But you know I've been here about half my life now and the kids are native, so they don't know any better. I wouldn't give this experience up for the world, though, of course, I might just be a glutton for a whole lot of stimuli.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."