Wednesday, August 25, 2004

the difference in sin

"Everyone sins, so why do we focus only on certain sins, like, for example, sexual ones?" This question is asked often today, and it is a good chance to do some clear thinking.

It isn't the sinful act that is at issue, whether it is premarital sex or acting out excessive anger. Forgiveness is available for the person who practices either behavior. What is at issue is if the act itself is considered a sin.

For example, if one doesn't think acting out in excessive anger is sinful and practices it on a regular basis without remorse, then this is a serious issue. If one even celebrates his/her anger it would be a serious miscalculation for a person of faith. One has the danger of becoming the type of person who will not seek forgiveness for his/her sinful act. The technical term for this is "serial, unrepentant behavior."

Relishing acting out in anger is totally different than someone who has a bad temper, acts upon it, feels remorse and is working on dying to that emotional response. The act is a sin in either case, but there is hope in the latter. The temper, if kept in check, is not a sin. There are certainly underlying issues that must be dealt with, but this would occur by moving toward God, not separating from him.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."