Thursday, April 28, 2011

the number one reason you don't see 20 year old's in church...

Most of us have seen the statistics of involvement in church communities from a generational standpoint. Something like 4% of all 20-30 year olds attend church on an average weekend across America. 4%. 

If you happen to have lots of 20 year olds involved, praise God. Whether they are highly motivated Christian kids who came from other churches and choose to connect with yours instead (that doesn't increase the Kingdom, but at least they are involved), or if the young people in your church were not Christians but have been reached through your community, even better. Yet, the fact is, you can have the most dynamic ministries for the younger generations in the world, and the percentage of those actviely involved still remains the same, 4%.


Is it about the style of worship services? 

Is it the music?

Is it the preaching?

Is it the look of the campus?

Maybe it's all of those reasons. Or, maybe it's none of them. 

If we use an "Occam's Razor" approach, where "one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything," in other words, "look for the simplest answer," then here goes:

For whatever reason, 20 year olds don't want to hang out with you. At least not hang out with you at worship.

And if you are in your 20's and your church community has lots of 20 year olds, I don't want to ruin the party, but they don't want to hang out with you at worship, either. If they did, it wouldn't be 4%!

So, where do we begin?

Let's check in tomorrow... 


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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."