Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Bollywood afternoon...

It was time to go Hindi again. My son Greg and I went to a Bollywood movie last year and I thought it was time to go again. We have watched a couple more from Netflix, but these movies are made for the big screen. And there is nothing like watching a movie in Hindi on a Monday afternoon to remind you that father/son relationships have of wide variety of bonding possibilities.

We like Indian movies. They are so happy. So many smiles. So much color. You just wait for the next dance sequence waiting around the corner, usually having nothing whatsoever to do with the plot.

The other thing to like about Bollywood is the characters themselves are so self-absorbed, rather than the actor or director as in American film. They get they are making a film and not making a great political statement (always with a couple of gratuitous sex scenes thrown in).

If you want to try it out for yourself, perhaps you can find the movie, Tees Maar Khan, playing at your local art house theater. Relax and enjoy. Might be the dumbest movie you ever saw. Or maybe you leave with a grin that stays around for awhile.


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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."